Sunday, April 28, 2013

Why I Love the Weekends: A Sense of Fulfillment

I've decided to start a new weekly feature:
Why I Love the Weekends.
Every Monday I will post my favorite picture from the weekend
along with a short writing that comes from whatever inspiration, knowledge,
or insights the weekend activities provided me with.

It was so easy to pick my favorite this week.
This picture is absolutely perfect.
Emma might be a Momm's girl today,
but I wouldn't be surprised if one day she's a Daddy's girl.

There's nothing I love more than
the quality family time that comes along with each weekend.
Those two days of just Momma, Daddy, Emma, and Jude
hanging out, relaxing, laughing, and playing are some of the best times
I have all week.  Don't get me wrong, I love spending the week with my babies,
but it's during the weekend that Emma and Jude get to spend extra time with Daddy
and there is no greater joy for me than watching the man I love with all my heart
play with, love, cuddle, tickle, and sing to our incredible children.
The three of them are my entire world and each one of them
has completely stolen my heart in their own way.
Joshua with his passion for life, his intelligence, his playfulness,
his never ending support and affection.
Emma with her contagious smile, her sweet giggle,
her wildness, her loving personality, and her ability to learn.
Jude with his playful little smirk, his powerful voice,
his belly laugh, his patience, and his sweet cuddles.
All of these things are great individually, but when they are all
rolled together for an extended period of time over the weekend,
they are incredible and provide me with the greatest sense of fulfillment.
I am a wife and a mother.  I am everything I have ever wanted to be.

The Life Of Faith

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I have lots of ideas for new posts, 
but I haven't been in the mood to write lately.
I guess I've just been too caught up playing with my sweet babies.
Maybe I'll snap out of it this weekend,
but until then, here are some recent pictures...

Halloween costume in the middle of April.  Why not?

Height comparison.  I know Emma is short, but Jude is SO tall.

Working on her pouring skills.

There is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby.

One of Emma's new favorite things is for 
her and Minnie to wear their "sassy sunglasses" together.

He is such a happy boy.  He smiles all the time.

I don't know why, but I absolutely love this picture of my Little J Bird.

I think this picture captures Jude so well.
Cool, calm, and collected just hanging out.

Father and daughter.

She tries to climb into or on everything.

 Jude Scott is a little cuddle bug and I love it.

My future baseball player.

Big sissy taking care of baby brother.

Little Man loves playing with his baby toes.

My little Music Man.

Emma clearly dressed (and undressed) herself on this day.

Emma's first balance beam.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Simple Words can be so Powerful


Three pretty common words used in the English language.
They are probably part of multiple sentences most individuals say each day,
but they're not the big meaningful words of the sentence.
In fact, most people probably don't even realize when they say them.
They're not words that hold a lot of weight or stick out in our minds...

...unless they are coming out of your 20 month old daughter's mouth
to form the sentence "I want you."

When used this way they are the sweetest, most powerful words in the English language.
And for the past few days this has been my reality.
My darling Emma Claire has started coming over to me, holding her arms up 
for me to pick her up, and saying these three words.
I don't think my heart has ever melted into a bigger puddle.
It shows me that our past 20 months together, 
the tickles, the stories read, the walks taken, the hugs and kisses
have not only meant the world to me,
but they have also meant something to her.
Emma and I already have a very special bond
and my goal as her mother is to do everything I possibly can 
to nurture, foster, and protect our relationship 
so that it will always be as strong as it is today.
I know it will take a lot of work and I know some days will will be harder than others,
but I can't think of a better cause to be 100% devoted to.
In order for our relationship to continue to grow,
 I will spend the rest of my life...

...listening to her.
...playing with her.
...laughing and smiling with her.
...pointing out the beauty in the little things in life to her.
...planning special outings for just the two of us.
...rejoicing in her accomplishments.
...respecting her, her space, and her belongings.
...capturing our special moments together by taking pictures.
...sharing my opinions and beliefs with her, but not forcing them upon her.
...showing her how special she is to me.
...showing interest in her hobbies.
...acknowledging her thoughts and ideas.
...encouraging her to try new things and to think outside of the box.
...comforting her when she is hurt, sad, or lonely.
...accepting the times when she would rather not talk to me about something.
...allowing her to make mistakes and then help her learn from them.
...guiding her towards a life of faith and happiness.
...but most importantly, loving her.

The Life Of Faith

Wordless Wednesday: What do you put in the Dryer?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Where has my Baby Boy Gone?

Little J,

It hasn't even been four months since I first called you that, 
but you are already leaving the "little" phase behind.
I feel like you grew, changed, and developed
so much while we were back home in the states
and it all seemed to happen over night.
It's as if one morning you woke up and decided
"okay, enough of this just laying around baby stuff.
I'm ready for bigger and better things."

One of your new favorite things to do is to be held facing someone
and then to have a conversation with whoever is holding you.
You were already discovering your voice before the trip,
but now you seem more sure of the sounds you make.
Your coos and caws seem to have more of a purpose now
and you already put so much inflection into your grunts and hollers.
I wish I could describe to you how special I think each little sound you make is.
They are so sweet and full of energy.  You have a powerful voice
and whether it be through speech or music,
I think it's going to help you do great things one day.

One of the many "man to man" chats you will have with your Daddy.

Before the trip home you didn't pay any attention to your toys.
I would play with them in front of you and your sissy would set them in your lap,
but you were less than impressed with them.  Well Little Man,
that is no longer the case.  You are such a playful little boy now.
The first toys you noticed and were curious about were the ones hanging from your car seat.
Once you started trying to reach for them it was only a matter of days before you
perfected the art of closing your hand around them at just the right time.
Now you'll grab for just about anything within your reach (including my hair).
You put everything in your mouth and have even started transferring things from hand to hand.
I love to sit and watch you manipulate whatever it is you have in your hand.
I can tell your little brain is hard at work trying to figure out everything you can do with it.
I'm hoping this is a sign that you are going to like to tinker with things like your Daddy does.
It won't be long before you are right at your Daddy's side wanting to help him fix things
or put something together.  I know he can't wait for those days.
There is so much he wants to show you and teach you.
You're lucky to have such wonderful footsteps to follow along with and learn from.
I know it won't be for many years, but one day you will recognize this and appreciate it.
It's already pretty obvious that you're a Daddy's boy and I am so excited to watch
your special relationship with him grow and develop.  Seeing my two boys together
is one of the greatest joys in my life.  I am one proud wife and momma.

You love playing with your toys and shaking them all around.

I don't really know how to describe all the other ways you changed
during those few shorts weeks that we were home.
The best way I can think to put it is that you're not such a baby anymore.
That may not make a lot of sense since you are technically still a baby,
you're only a few months old, but you have definitely left the "newborn" phase behind.
We don't have to be so gentle with you any more.  I no longer have to cradle you when I hold you.
I can hold you on my hip.  You'll play by yourself for longer periods of time.
You give social smiles and even have the cutest little laugh.
Your neck and shoulders are very strong so you have great head control.
This has opened up a whole new world for you in terms of playing.  

I think you're going to be into superheroes because you love yo fly...

...and show off your muscles.

Jude Scott, I absolutely love watching you grow, develop, and learn.
It truly is one of the greatest pleasures in my life.
Although you have no idea what it means to love or to be loved,
the love I have for you is so deep, strong, natural, and genuine.
You are this little person who is completely dependent on me.
You pee on me.  You spit up on me.  You drool on me.
You can't tell me or show me that you love me,
yet I still love you with all my heart and I continue 
to love you more and more with each day that passes.
To me, this kind of love is one of the greatest gifts of parenthood.
Your every smile, chuckle, coo, and milestone reached
are all intangible, but they are the greatest gifts I could ever receive.
I hold them dearly in my heart now and always.

I love you my not so "little" J.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Our Trip Home

Our trip home didn't go exactly how we had planned.
We never really got a chance to just hang out, relax, and visit with family. 
The whole time we were in Kansas City we were looking at houses
and running other errands to prepare for the permanent move home.
Then, while we were in Oklahoma three of the four babies and myself got sick.
That's just the way life goes...

Jude and Uncle Vince.

Emma had a good time in her ball pit.

Raley was very happy to see her Daddy.

Biggest Sissy Lilly holding Jude for the first time.

Joshua is one proud husband and daddy.  This is the background on his phone.

Me with the oldest and the youngest.

Jude all cuddled up with the teddy bear his sisters made for him at Build-a-Bear.

Playing at the mall.

Daddy and his girls.  Each one of them has him wrapped around his finger.

Grandpa rocked Emma to sleep.

Jude and Uncle Danny.

Some friendly front yard golf.

Playing at Papa Scott's house.

Silly sisters in the bathtub.

Wearing Big Sissy's boots.

Daddy's Girl.

Raley cooking with Nana.

Jude and Uncle Jesse.

Happy little boy.

Lilly taking target practice.

Napping with my sick babies.

Jude and Nana.

Dying Easter eggs.

Happy Birthday Daddy.

Joshua and his siblings.

Emma checking out the snow.

Although it wasn't the best trip home, it was our last.
We will be home for good in a few months.

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